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Direct measurement of the elastic scattering of real photons on an electromagnetic field would allow the fundamental low-energy constants of quantum electrodynamics to be experimentally determined. We show that scenarios involving the collision of three laser beams have several advantages over conventional two-beam scenarios. The kinematics of a three-beam collision allows for a higher signal-to-background ratio in the detection region, without the need for polarimetry, and separates out contributions from different orders of photon scattering. A planar configuration of colliding a photon beam from an x-ray free-electron laser with two optical beams is studied in detail. We show that measurements of elastic photon scattering and vacuum birefringence are possible with currently available technology.
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- Received 19 June 2024
- Accepted 9 August 2024
©2024 American Physical Society
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)
- Research Areas
Electromagnetic field calculationsHigh intensity laser-plasma interactionsQuantum electrodynamicsStrong electromagnetic field effects
- Physical Systems
Laser systemsPhotonsX-ray lasers
- Properties
PolarizationQuantum field theory
Particles & FieldsNonlinear DynamicsPlasma PhysicsAtomic, Molecular & Optical
Deriving Fundamental Constants from Three-Beam Collisions
Published 18 September 2024
A proposed experiment involving an x-ray beam and two optical beams could determine the values of fundamental constants in quantum electrodynamics.
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Authors & Affiliations
- 1ELI Beamlines Facility, The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, Za Radnicí 835, 25241 Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic
- 2Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
- *Contact author:
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Vol. 110, Iss. 3 — September 2024
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Figure 1
Schematic of the planar three-beam collision. An x-ray beam collides with two optical beams, which are at angles and to the counterpropagating direction. (Faint colors show the trajectory of the beams after the collision.)
Figure 2
Differential number of signal photons in three-beam configuration using EuXFEL SASE parameters (see Table1 and the discussion of Sec.5 for more details) with optical focusing and an x-ray beam waist . The collision angle is and x-ray and optical beams have a relative polarization of . The angles and are the scattering angles of the photons inside and out the interaction plane, respectively [see Eq.(24)]. Dashed vertical lines are at Bragg peak locations [Eq.(25)].
Figure 3
Logarithmic differential number of signal photons in three-beam configuration using future SASE parameters (see Table1 and the discussion of Sec.5 for more details) with optical focusing and an x-ray beam waist . The collision angle is and x-ray and optical beams have polarization . Dashed vertical lines are at Bragg peak locations [Eq.(25)].
Figure 4
Polarization dependence of NLO photon-photon scattering. The polarization plane of the x-ray beam is defined by the angle [see Eq.(15)] and the polarization plane of the optical lasers is defined by [see Eq.(19)]. Shown are the space-time-independent prefactors of (a) and (b), given by Eq.(34), and (c). Each plot has been normalized to a maximum of unity and Eq.(35) has been used.
Figure 5
Number of signal photons vs collision angle using self-seeded (a)EuXFEL parameters and (b)SACLA parameters. Optical pulses have focusing, x-ray pulses are focused to , and the relative polarization angle is . Plotted are the number of photon scattered into the parallel state (purple solid line), the number scattered into the perpendicular state (blue solid line), and the equivalent photon counts if an angular cut is applied which only accepts photons with emission angles (corresponding dashed lines).
Figure 6
Estimated lower bound on the number of shots required for statistical significance, , as a function of the signal-to-background ratio . The x-ray and optical pulse parameters are as in Fig.5 with . Estimations are of the number of signal photons held fixed and are given by Table2. The purple solid line shows (EuXFEL); purple dashed line, (EuXFEL); blue solid line, (SACLA); and blue dashed line, (SACLA). The data points correspond to the background estimations in Table2.
Figure 7
Ratio of the number of signal photons in each polarization mode vs relative polarization for a fixed collision angle , optical focusing, and . The black dashed line shows the analytical result from Eq.(32) with and given by Eq.(31), purple circles show the numerically evaluated ratio using EuXFEL parameters, and blue triangles show the numerically evaluated ratio using SACLA parameters.
Figure 8
Dependence of the number of perpendicular polarized signal photons at collision angle on the ratio of the x-ray and optical beam waists using EuXFEL parameters with (purple circles) and focusing (blue triangles).
Figure 9
Number of signal photons vs collision angle from the collision of EuXFEL self-seeded photons with two future laser pulses. X-ray pulses are focused to and optical pulses are focused with . X-ray and optical pulses have polarization angle [cf. Eq.(45)], at which the numbers of parallel and perpendicular photons are equal. Plotted are the numbers of parallel (purple solid line) and perpendicular (blue dashed line) signal photons with emission angles .
Figure 10
Dependence of the signal photons on the polarization for fixed collision angle . The x-ray and optical pulse parameters are as in Fig.9. Plotted are the number of photons scattered into the parallel state (purple solid line) and the number scattered into the perpendicular state (blue dashed line), if an angular cut is applied which only accepts photons with emission angles .
Figure 11
Ratio of the number of photons in each polarization mode vs polarization for fixed collision angle . The x-ray and optical pulse parameters as in Fig.9. The black dashed line shows the analytical result from Eq.(37) with and given by Eq.(35) and the blue triangles show the numerically evaluated ratio of signal photons with , .
Figure 12
Number of signal photons vs collision angle in a polarization-insensitive measurement using (a)EuXFEL and (b)SACLA SASE parameters. Optical pulses are focused with focusing, x-ray pulses are focused to , and relative polarization angle . Plotted are the total number of photons (purple solid line) and the equivalent photon counts if an angular cut is applied which only accepts photons with emission angles (blue solid line).
Figure 13
Dependence of the signal photons on the relative polarization for fixed collision angle using EuXFEL SASE parameters. Plotted is the total number of photons detected if an angular cut is applied which only accepts photons with emission angles for (purple dashed line) and (blue dashed line) focusing of the optical laser.
Figure 14
Estimated lower bound on the number of shots required for statistical significance, , as a function of the signal-to-background ratio . The x-ray and optical pulse parameters are as in Fig.12 with . Estimations of the number of signal photons are held fixed and are given in Table3. The purple solid line shows (EuXFEL); purple dashed line, (EuXFEL); blue solid line, (SACLA); and blue dashed line, (SACLA). The data points correspond to the background estimations in Table3.
Figure 15
Ratio of the total number of scattered photons at different relative polarizations, . The reference relative polarization is chosen as . The x-ray and optical pulse parameters are as in Fig.12. The black dashed line shows the ratio (33) for , purple circles show the EuXFEL SASE parameters, and blue triangles show the SACLA SASE parameters.
Figure 16
Relative error between the number of signal photons calculated with the full Gaussian pulses in the paraxial approximation, , and with the IRLA, . Also shown are the collision angles at which the number of signal photons is maximized for the currently available parameters (vertical dashed) and future parameters (vertical dotted).